Entries by Valerie Driessen

The Value of Claiming A Niche

I have a dear friend whose personal hallmark is, “I’m not for everyone.” She typically makes the statement right up front as a disclaimer when she meets new people. And she is right. She is a strange mix of business savvy sales person, think Ivonka Trump, combined with the unplugged and raw style of comedian […]

Some of My Best Friends are PR Weasels

We’ve asked Robert Mullins, a veteran technology journalist who has written for high-profile publications like Silicon Valley Business Journal and Network World to be a guest contributor for the Attain Marketing blog. We think there’s real value for our readers to hear about PR trends and “in the trenches” stories from the media’s perspective. And, […]

Making the Sale: Credibility Counts

Early stage companies face challenges on all fronts, but establishing credibility with mainstream buyers is often one of the biggest marketing hurdles. A press release claiming market leadership and marketing materials chock full of tidbits about your product benefits and expected ROI may help initiate conversations, but they won’t close deals. For products and services […]

It’s a Video Revolution

People respond to visual communications – a picture paints 1,000 words, as they say. In the past two years online video has transformed the communications landscape for businesses – and now the video revolution is fully underway. Chew on these numbers a bit if you’re still not convinced that video is a powerful medium: 52% […]

Speak the Language of Customers

To effectively market a new product, you must be able to name it and frame it in terms that resonate with your target audience. Potential customers will not buy what they cannot name or understand. All too often we see technology vendors define their positioning behind closed doors, then cross their fingers and hope the […]