Tag Archive for: media relations

Establishing a robust online presence is essential for technology startups and market innovators. To amplify your online visibility and prime the market disruption, you should embrace PR consistency as a marketing superpower. Using a multifaceted arsenal of PR tools, including press releases, earned media, interviews, and shared content, you can quickly engage your audience, build a credible public image, and solidify your position as an industry thought leader.

The Power of PR Consistency in Tech Marketing

Regular engagement is the cornerstone of an effective marketing strategy. Embracing PR consistency as the foundation of your marketing plan drives awareness and interest. Use PR tools to establish your brand as an authority, distribute high-quality content, and connect with customers through trusted publications. PR consistency delivers quantifiable ROI, which can be measured through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as audience reach, mentions, and website traffic. 

PR consistency also supports a strong brand image. The technology sector thrives on innovation—use your PR strategy to reflect your brand’s dynamism through steadfast communication. A haphazard, start-stop approach to PR is a common pitfall for many technology startups but should be avoided. Infrequent or unorganized communications confuse audiences, disrupt momentum, and hurt a company’s credibility. 

Sustaining Brand Relevance through Strategic Communication

Your brand’s narrative should be a clear, ongoing dialogue, not a series of disjointed statements. A uniform PR cadence fosters brand familiarity and fortifies your reputation, positioning you as an industry authority. Digital PR tactics provide an ideal channel to educate audiences and distribute free tools and resources. 

Buyers today want to be informed rather than sold to. The rules of PR engagement force you to focus on content that is useful, rather than salesy. Placed editorial is often a good place to start. Beyond that, you can creatively use online news releases to publicize survey results, industry reports, webinars, or other informational content. When spun correctly, quotes, stats, or visually rich content can pique the interest of journalists and win you earned media.

Fostering Media Relationships: The Lifeline of Effective PR

Your messages must shine amidst an abundance of PR pitches. Regular contributions of on-target, timely content to target publications nurture enduring relationships with journalists, paving the way for continued media attention and coverage. Editors evaluate the newsworthiness of a PR pitch by assessing its potential impact on the target audience and society. 

Your pitches will likely get noticed if they have the potential to generate interest, discussion, or even action among readers. Develop a reputation for providing PR pitches that address pressing issues, unveil groundbreaking innovations, or present significant developments in your industry to improve your success rates. 

Four Pillars of PR Consistency for Measurable Impact

  1. Strategize and Develop a PR Calendar: Create a comprehensive PR blueprint and editorial timetable. Tailor your plan to cover key messages, target demographics, and preferred media outlets. Pre-scheduling content will ensure a regular communication stream, but remember to stay flexible. Monitor trends and formulate responses that cater to the media’s appetite for timely and relevant updates.
  • Craft Compelling Narratives: Your content must be original, valuable, and newsworthy to captivate media interest. Don’t rely on Generative AI to craft your pitches. Your competitors can use ChatGPT just as easily as you can. Instead, tap into the knowledge of your company founders, technologists, salespeople, and customers to identify fresh, engaging story pitches that sync with industry trends and create the desired media buzz.
  • Cultivate Media Alliances: Research and connect with leading industry influencers. Engage with journalists and editors on social media, attend networking events, and offer top influencers exclusive content or interviews. If you like a journalist’s article or have value to add, let her know through email or social media. Building and maintaining authentic relationships with the media can increase your chances of securing coverage.
  • Measure and Refine Your Media Footprint: Monitor media narratives surrounding your brand and sector to gauge the pulse of journalistic interest. Analyze the performance of your PR programs by tracking media mentions, web traffic, and social media engagement. Use these valuable insights to enhance and fine-tune your outreach strategies. 

Conclusion: The Enduring Value of PR Consistency

Persistent, value-driven communication is the cornerstone of an effective media strategy. A well-orchestrated PR initiative enhances consumer trust and deepens media relationships. PR consistency puts your brand at the forefront of media engagement, driving substantial, long-lasting results. For tech marketers and PR professionals, PR consistency isn’t just a strategy—it’s a commitment to sustained brand evolution and market leadership.

Attain Marketing, a boutique B2B technology PR and marketing agency, can help you in this journey. With our expertise and deep understanding of the B2B technology media landscape, we can help you navigate the complexities of media relations and develop customized strategies that align with your brand and objectives.

From winning earned media to establishing thought leadership, Attain Marketing can guide you every step of the way.

With the right strategies in place, you can effectively communicate the value proposition of your technologies, build trust, and establish your brand as a reliable and clear choice in your industry.

So, join us to effectively tap into the power of public relations, content marketing, and audience engagement to supercharge your company growth!

In the ever-evolving landscape of public relations (PR), staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. As we step into 2024, several trends and shifts are reshaping the PR industry. From emerging technologies to changing B2B business behaviors, companies must adapt and innovate their PR tactics to thrive in this dynamic environment. Here are some tips to navigate PR changes effectively in 2024:

  1. Embrace Digital Transformation: With the continued digitalization of media and communication channels, embracing digital transformation is paramount. Invest in robust digital PR strategies, including social media management, influencer collaborations, and online reputation management. Leverage data analytics to gain insights into audience behavior and tailor your PR efforts accordingly.
  2. Prioritize Authenticity and Transparency: In an era of heightened scrutiny and skepticism, authenticity and transparency are non-negotiable. Build trust with your audience by being genuine and transparent in your communications. Share authentic stories, engage in open dialogue, and address any issues or controversies head-on. Authenticity breeds credibility, which is invaluable in PR.
  3. Harness the Power of Visual Content: Visual content continues to dominate online platforms, capturing audience attention and driving engagement. Incorporate compelling visuals, such as videos, infographics, and images, into your PR campaigns to convey your message effectively. Invest in high-quality visual storytelling to stand out in a crowded digital landscape.
  4. Stay Agile and Adaptive: The PR landscape is dynamic, with trends and developments constantly evolving. Stay agile and adaptive by monitoring industry trends, consumer preferences, and emerging technologies. Be prepared to pivot your strategies and tactics swiftly to capitalize on new opportunities and mitigate potential challenges.
  5. Cultivate Meaningful Relationships: Relationships lie at the heart of successful PR campaigns. Cultivate meaningful relationships with journalists, influencers, stakeholders, and your target audience. Focus on building genuine connections based on mutual respect, trust, and shared values. These relationships can amplify your PR efforts and enhance your brand’s reputation.
  6. Leverage AI and Automation: AI and automation technologies are revolutionizing the PR industry, streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency. Explore AI-powered tools for media monitoring, sentiment analysis, content creation, and campaign optimization. By harnessing the power of AI, you can gain valuable insights, improve decision-making, and maximize the impact of your PR initiatives.
  7. Monitor and Manage Reputation: In today’s hyper-connected world, reputation management is more critical than ever. Proactively monitor online conversations, social media mentions, and news coverage to gauge public perception of your brand. Respond promptly to feedback, address negative sentiment, and take proactive measures to safeguard your brand’s reputation.
  8. Foster Diversity and Inclusion: Diversity and inclusion are not only ethical imperatives but also essential components of effective PR. Embrace diversity in your team, campaigns, and communication strategies to reflect the rich tapestry of society. Champion inclusive narratives, amplify marginalized voices and strive to create a more equitable PR industry.

To stay ahead of the curve in 2024, companies must navigate the rapidly changing seas in today’s PR world. From adopting emerging technologies like AI and automation to leveraging more traditional tactics like cultivating meaningful relationships, businesses must up their ante to stay competitive. Smart companies must remember Bill Gates’s prophetic statement, “If I was down to my last dollar, I’d spend it on public relations.”

Whether you’re a small business owner, startup founder, or PR agency professional, getting your message in front of the right journalists and media outlets is crucial. But in today’s crowded media landscape, the competition for attention is fierce. So, how do you stand out from the pack? The answer is simple: with a great media pitch.

In this article, we’ll dive into the importance of a good media pitch, what it should include, and how to make it stand out to journalists. Let’s get started.

A Good Pitch Can Make or Break Your Chances of Coverage

Journalists are constantly inundated with pitches from businesses, entrepreneurs, and PR firms. And, more often than not, those pitches are generic, vague, or irrelevant to their beat. If your pitch isn’t tailored to the individual journalist or outlet you’re targeting, it’s likely to be ignored or deleted.

That’s why a good media pitch is essential. It takes time, research, and effort to craft a pitch that’s specific to the journalist you’re reaching out to, but it’s worth it. A well-written pitch that resonates with the journalist’s interests, targets their audience, and provides them with compelling news or insights is much more likely to get picked up than a generic one.

Journalists, like anyone else, appreciate when someone takes the time to learn about their work and interests. Receiving a personalized pitch that shows you’ve done your research and understand their coverage area is much more likely to generate a response than a generic one.

Personalized Pitches Build Relationships

Plus, building a relationship with a journalist based on personalized pitches can lead to more coverage opportunities down the line. When you establish trust and rapport with a journalist, they’re more likely to think of you when they’re looking for a source or a story idea in the future.

A Pitch Is Your Foot in the Door

When you send a pitch to a journalist, you’re not just trying to get coverage for one specific story. You’re also trying to establish yourself as a source they can turn to in the future.

If you can make a good impression with your pitch and provide the journalist with useful or interesting information, you’re more likely to be top of mind when they’re working on a story that relates to your industry or expertise. So, even if your pitch doesn’t result in immediate coverage, it’s still a valuable opportunity to get your foot in the door with a journalist.

A Strong Pitch Helps Your Brand Stand Out

In a crowded media landscape, it can be tough for businesses and startups to differentiate themselves from their competitors. But a well-crafted pitch that tells a compelling story or offers a fresh perspective can help you stand out.

Journalists are always looking for new and interesting angles on stories. If you can provide them with a unique take or insight that they can’t get from anyone else, you’re much more likely to be noticed and remembered. Plus, if your pitch results in coverage, it can help boost brand awareness and credibility by getting your name and message in front of a wider audience.


In summary, a media pitch can make all the difference when it comes to getting coverage for your business or brand. By taking the time to research the journalist or outlet you’re reaching out to, personalizing your pitch, and providing compelling news or insights, you can increase your chances of success. Plus, establishing relationships with journalists based on personalized pitches can lead to opportunities for coverage and exposure down the line. So, the next time you’re looking to get your message in front of the media, remember the power of a good pitch.


Public Relations (PR) has come a long way since its inception. From the early days of press agentry and publicity stunts to the modern era of digital communication and social media, PR has evolved to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of media and technology. Today, we are witnessing the rise of PR 4.0, a new era of public relations that is driven by digital technology, data analytics, and the power of storytelling. In this blog, we will explore the key elements of PR 4.0 and how it is shaping the future of public relations.

The Four Pillars of PR 4.0

1. Digital Communication

The rise of the internet and social media has transformed the way we communicate, and PR is no exception. PR 4.0 is characterized by the use of digital channels to reach and engage with target audiences. This includes social media platforms, blogs, podcasts, and online news outlets. Digital communication allows PR professionals to reach a wider audience, engage in real-time conversations, and measure the impact of their campaigns more effectively.

2. Data-Driven Strategies

PR 4.0 is all about leveraging data to make informed decisions and create targeted campaigns. With the vast amount of data available through digital channels, PR professionals can now analyze audience behavior, preferences, and trends to create more effective and personalized communication strategies. Data analytics also allows PR professionals to measure the success of their campaigns and make adjustments in real-time, ensuring that their efforts are always aligned with their objectives.

3. Storytelling

In the age of information overload, storytelling has become a powerful tool for PR professionals to cut through the noise and connect with their audiences. PR 4.0 emphasizes the importance of crafting compelling narratives that resonate with the target audience and evoke emotions. By telling authentic and engaging stories, PR professionals can build trust, create brand loyalty, and drive positive change.

4. Integration with Marketing and Advertising

PR 4.0 recognizes the need for a more integrated approach to communication. As the lines between PR, marketing, and advertising continue to blur, PR professionals must collaborate with their counterparts in other disciplines to create cohesive and consistent brand messages. This integrated approach ensures that all communication efforts work together to achieve the desired results and maximize the return on investment.

The Future of PR 4.0

As we continue to navigate the digital age, PR 4.0 will continue to evolve and adapt to new technologies and trends. Some key developments to watch out for include:

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation

AI and automation will play an increasingly important role in PR, from automating routine tasks to providing data-driven insights and recommendations.

2. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

As VR and AR technologies become more mainstream, PR professionals will need to explore new ways to create immersive and interactive experiences for their audiences.

3. Influencer Marketing

The rise of social media influencers has created new opportunities for PR professionals to collaborate with these influential individuals to amplify their messages and reach new audiences.

4. Crisis Management in the Digital Age

With the rapid spread of information online, PR professionals must be prepared to manage crises in real-time and navigate the challenges of the digital landscape.


PR 4.0 marks a new era of public relations that is driven by digital technology, data analytics, and the power of storytelling. As we continue to embrace these changes, PR professionals must adapt and evolve to stay ahead of the curve and ensure their communication efforts remain relevant and effective in the digital age.

Your company has worked hard to develop its product, service or mission. Now it’s time to explode the industry with your first attempt at media exposure. But, before you light that fuse, first make sure your brand is ready to be showcased to the world. Whether the media relations campaign is done by your in-house team or through a hired agency, it’s important that your brand is polished and professional before the first detonation.

We’ve put together a few basic tips to help make sure you are prepared and ready to nail your media relations campaign when you make your big bang.

  • Remember that your website, blog, social media, and any offline collateral will serve as a potential source for journalistic research and story development. It is imperative that all of your content has clear and consistent messaging, originality in its presentation, and a professional design and purpose. If you think the website will confuse journalists, prepare a good old fashioned fact sheet that is clearly intended for the media
  • Take the time to stand out from the crowd. To be an industry leader you must know your competition and then further develop your brand with a message that differentiates your company.
  • Know your intended goal for media relations. Make sure to structure your campaign with tactics that caters to your mission. Making more sales and gaining visibility may mean a very different set of tactics.
  • Have a clarified message. Make sure your spokespeople get media training whether or not they want it (LOL). At a minimum, make sure your spokesperson has all of the facts and key messages about the news, and can speak well to the product, service, or mission of the company.

By taking the time to prepare before you make your explosion into the market, your opportunity to hit your target increases and all these efforts will maximize the desired results.

In today’s noisy marketing and PR world, recycling doesn’t work. Markets are evolving, influences shifting, the media changing, and so are the mechanisms for reaching all the cross sections of ideas, influence and buyers spread across various social networks.  And even though we know “Content is King”, just pumping out content won’t put your company in the limelight.  To be seen as a thought leader in your specific technology market, your company needs to paint a vision of the key issues, challenges, needs and requirements that truly concern customers. In doing so, companies become an invaluable resource to the media and potential customers.

Future-focused companies that provide meaningful insight and guidance to support buying decisions (vs. just providing marketing fluff) are often rewarded with more press coverage, better lead generation results, and a shortened sales cycle. We recommend companies stretch beyond the “cookie cutter” approach to marketing and deliver fresh ideas and campaigns that have the potential to really capture the attention of industry influencers.

Here are some proven tactics that can help technology companies emerge from a crowd and be seen as a thought leader in their space.

  • Find a unique but defendable position for your company, gather up a crowd of customers, partners and other third party influencers who are willing to be evangelists around your market (not product) message.  Next, systematically meet with industry anaylysts that can validate your position and become leading advocates in your efforts.  If it’s possible, can you define a uniqiue category of coverage where your company is seen as the originator and leader in this new space?
  • Continually promote your company’s spokespeople as thought leaders among key constituents – customers, partners, media, bloggers, and analysts – so they become trusted sources for stories, blogs and other industry commentary.
    • One great way to get this tactic rolling is “rapid response” PR which puts you on the offense instead of the defense.  Simply begin tracking the topics where you’d like to be seen as a thought leader.  When a story is published, take time to contact the blogger/editor and introduce your company and why its credible – then offer up your stable of experts to provide valuable commentary on future stories.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of your prospects’ business and vertical market issues and suggest timely and relevant solutions to those issues.  You may even offer to include them in an editorial article or feature their company in a leaders roundtable, where super performing, forward-thinking companies are discussing the industry’s hottest topics.
  • Build credibility, trust and interest with key constituents by fostering relationships based on an industry-centric vs. product centric approach.  Never ask for a product endorsement.  Invite them to offer their unique insights utilizing your campaigns as a vehicle for their objectives, not yours.

Finally, the key to being successful in your thought leadership efforts is innovation and consistency.  If you’re willing to push the envelope with unique approaches and commit to these efforts with the required budget over the necessary time frame, it’s possible your company can become a true leader in your market space.

A few years ago, Brian Solis and Deirdre Breakenridge wrote a landmark book about the shift in public relations to a social media world titled Putting the Public Back in Public Relations.”  This book helped many PR professionals cross the chasm to where mainstream PR exists today, and for that, many are thankful for their work, including me.

Though I would never claim this to be a landmark blog, nor do I intend to write a book on the subject, my assertion is that the wide adoption of technology in media practices has left a void when it comes to basic human relations and the value they bring to the table for successful media relations.  Perhaps this void exists in all areas of life, but I contend it definitely exists in the PR world.

In my own practice, I’ve seen where genuine relationships I’ve forged through years of common courtesies and best practices have yielded tremendous results for my clients. In a highly competitive and results driven field, it’s absolutely critical to remember that human relations are still the most valuable commodity in the business.  As a PR professional, it’s our job to care about the press, analyst and bloggers we work with, not because we want something from them, but it’s our job to help them be successful in their quest for good news stories and compelling technology updates.  This shift in attitude alone will kick start better results immediately.  You’ll find you’ll do a better job at bringing innovation and compelling stories to the table because your motivation is right.

If you’re sensing the need for better relationship building in your PR efforts, here are some tips that may help:

  • Show genuine concern.  Every person can sense whether or not someone really cares about them or not.  You may say, how does this apply to public relations, but I say if you care about the people at the end of the telephone line, skype session or video camera, they know it, and it makes a difference.  Take time to learn and remember important facts or personal interests of the media folks you are working with.  Consider their requests, constraints or personal challenges as important as your own.  You may want that interview, but if you ignore common courtesies in lieu of results, you may jeopardize a valuable long term relationship that could eventually will bear great fruit.
  • Do your homework.  We all know that nothing can be more irritating to a journalist than a PR person who fails to do their homework and sends an irrelevant pitch because they don’t know what the journalist’s beat is, or where their true interests lie.  I know we’ve all been guilty of this at one time or another in the throes of a mass PR campaign, but targeted, thoughtful pitches based on genuine research will put you on good footing every time.  You know what they say about first impressions, you get one chance.
  • Use more sugar than vinegar. It’s true that it’s easier to attract bees with sugar than vinegar; and in PR it’s no different: genuine friendliness and kindness can double your results.  A word of caution here: be yourself and don’t add too much sugar; like sweet tea in the south, it can be sickening. The media is being hounded by PR people who want their attention all day and every day so they are well aware of non-genuine attempts at friendliness.  Keep your personal tone and attitude of concern in line with what’s appropriate for the relationship: if you’re being genuine, this will be natural and appreciated.
  • Take time to say “Thank you.”  Again, this probably can be applied to all of life, but nothing can be more irritating than someone who never says thank you. A close tie to this principle is follow-up.  Once you get the interview or article, take time to read what’s been written and get back to the writer who took the time to cover your company.  You’d be absolutely floored at how many articles go without a word of thanks and if you take the time to follow through with the editor, how much they appreciate your thoughtfulness and will remember next time your pitch comes across the desk.
  • Go the extra mile.  This one can’t be overstated; if you get away from the “it’s all about me”, your relationship building efforts with the media will take on a new level of depth and long term success.  For example, take the extra time to track a story that you know is interesting to an editor even if it has no guarantee of producing results for your company. Spend the extra time to find a spokesperson for the media, even if it means you have to re-educate your entire executive and sales team about what it takes to build a customer testimonial program. Leave no stone unturned for providing innovative ideas for your media contacts.

These are a few examples of how to put the relations back into public relations but the list can be endless.  And while social media tools are great and a perfect way to send a quick note or tip, remember that the human voice and communication skills are still irreplaceable, even in a technology driven world.  The greatest relationships in life are built with genuine care, concern and investment of self and time.  This is certainly true in public relations and thoughtful consideration of these principles can organically grow your media relations efforts  and build long term successful results for your PR program.

If your press relations efforts are failing to achieve the results you desire, media alerts could be just the thing you need to breathe life back into a flat lining PR program. When used in tandem with press releases, media alerts can help to further nurture media relationships and ultimately earn your company more news coverage.

Press Releases vs. Media Alerts: What’s the Difference?

Press releases (a.k.a. news releases or media releases) have long been the mainstay of media relations. Written like news articles, with quotes and facts, their purpose is to initiate pick-up by online news channels and generate broadcast, print and online feature stories through larger outlets. Well-written press releases create an image and story that journalists can use alone or as background when writing a story.

Conversely, media alerts (a.k.a. media advisories or press advisories) are used to notify the media of something (like an upcoming press conference, product unveiling, tradeshow appearance or speaking engagement). Media alerts are written to answer the important questions of Who, What, When, Where and Why.

Defining Success

While the press release’s main goal is facilitate news coverage, the media alert’s main goal is to get the media to take a specific action (attend an event, download a report, review survey results, etc.). Think of the media alert as an invitation, while the press release is the actual dissemination of newsworthy information.

Press Release Goal = News Story Written by Media Targets

Media Alert Goal = Action Taken by Media Targets

Filling the News Gaps with Media Alerts

For many start up companies, media alerts are a rarity. Some public relations practitioners never issue them. But the press release’s lesser-known counterpart, the media alert, is growing in popularity within the B2B tech sector and here’s part of the reason why… (the rest of the reason has to do with Internet marketing, which you can read about in my colleagues post, “How to Use PR to Improve SEO Results”)

Many young tech companies set out with good intentions to support a robust calendar of media communications and relationship building activities, but find that they struggle to deliver newsworthy press releases month after month.  Soon after comes the realization that it can be difficult, if not impossible, for their company to maintain productive media relations without consistent outreach (remember the old adage, “out of sight, out of mind”).

With a little ingenuity media alerts can help fill the news gaps and provide a continuous stream of communications that will help to keep your company top of mind. Which will in turn translate to more news coverage in the long run.

How to Get Started

Remember that the purpose of the media alert is to notify the media of something that they might find interesting – with the goal being that they take a specific action. To come up with media alert ideas, review both your existing and in plan content assets (case studies, white papers, survey findings, etc.) and calendar of events (webinars, speaking engagements, tradeshow appearances, press conferences, product unveilings, etc.). Then compare the content against the topics covered by your media targets to determine what might be “media alert worthy”.

Before you write the media alert, put yourself in the shoes of the editors and journalists that you are targeting. Give careful consideration to how they might use this information as background when writing a story or how it might help inform them of an important trend. While it is not necessary for you to develop a news story in the media alert, the media will not take the desired action unless you clearly communicate to them the “what’s in it for me?” (view media alert example)

Share Your Ideas and Success Stories

If you are using media alerts in a unique way or getting good results from your media alert communications, please feel free to weigh in and share your insights or success tactics with our readers…

If you want to improve your search engine optimization (SEO) results (or squeeze out a competitor in page ranking), a properly leveraged PR program could be just the boost you need.

Relevant keywords. Link building. Delivering fresh, quality content. These tactics top the list of requirements for a successful SEO strategy – and a well-executed PR program can deliver on all three with just a little extra effort and planning.

Use these tips to make get the best SEO results from your PR program:

  1. Choose Keywords Carefully. Keywords should not be approached as an after thought once a release is written. If you have a list of keywords already in use for SEO campaigns, deliver the list to your PR writer, if not, do your homework and come up with a laundry list of relevant keywords that can be leveraged across all communications. When brainstorming keywords, consider which terms your target audience is likely to use when searching for your type of products or services. Free tools like Google’s AdWords Keyword Tool or WordTracker, will provide useful search volume data that can help you refine your list. Eliminate words or phrases that cannot deliver significant website traffic due to insufficient search volume and consider cutting any popular terms that put you in competition with 1M+ search results. Try to create a list of 10 – 15 targeted keywords that can be leveraged repeatedly in your press campaigns over time. (Note: your actual list may be shorter or longer depending on the size of your company, scope of offering and SEO budget).
  2. Be Aware of Keyword Placement and Frequency.  Each press release should be optimized for 1-2 keyword phrases. Include keywords in the title, subtitle and first paragraphs, but don’t over stuff your press release with keywords. This practice will dilute the effectiveness of your media communications – remember ultimately, humans, not bots, read press releases. Ideally in a 500-word press release, your chosen keywords should appear 2-4 times.
  3. Include a Call to Action with Hyperlink.  Search engines favor sites that have a high number of inbound links from other popular sites. Press releases can be a very effective way to earn those inbound links. News distribution sites that copy content from newswire feeds often convert full URLs into hyperlinks. Use this to your advantage by making sure that every press release distributed across the wire includes a call-to-action with a full URL link to your site (not an embedded hyperlink). Also, be sure your PR person asks journalists to include inbound links in any feature news stories (To be successful, you may need to get creative and provide a reason to include the link, i.e. come up with a special or exclusive offer for the publication’s readers). This strategy won’t always yield results, but it’s definitely worth a try – just a few links from top tier publications can do wonders for your SEO program.
  4. Add Images and Video.  Multi-media can give your company added visibility in search engines and make your press releases more shareable. To get the best SEO results, add descriptive titles that include your chosen keywords to all embedded images and videos. News distribution services charge extra for the inclusion of multi-media, so you may want to strategically plan which press releases are worthy of the added cost or stagger your distribution of multi-media releases throughout the year.
  5. Create an Online Newsroom and RSS for News Distribution.  Search engines, especially Google, love blogs for the fresh content and highly structured data. If you don’t already have an online newsroom, consider adding a blog style newsroom to your website. By posting releases to your site and distributing through RSS, you can get even more mileage from your PR program. Be sure to choose a SEO friendly blog platform and include tags for your keywords with each post. Bookmark and share each post and provide sharing tools so that others can easily do the same.
  6. Make Headlines Tweet Friendly. Keep your press release headlines short (less than 70 characters, if possible) to improve tweetability or consider adding suggested Tweet text at the end of your release to make sharing of your news easy for readers (and be sure to include a shortened URL that links back to the full-text release on your site).
  7. Automate Distribution of News Across Relevant Channels. By using a news distribution service like BusinessWire or PR Newswire, you will be able to extend the reach of your news and get pickup of full-text press releases (complete with keywords and hyperlinks to your site) on thousands of downstream sites, including Internet portals, search engines, websites, financial services and database systems. Choose the level of distribution service based the relevancy and newsworthiness of the communication you are distributing. For instance, you may want to consider lower cost “online only” distribution options when the primary goal of the release is to aide SEO efforts (as may be the case with a media alert announcing the availability of a company sponsored informational report), while a larger distribution would be more appropriate for a press release that is likely to earn your company feature news stories.
  8. Keep a Steady Pace.  Ideally companies should aim to distribute a minimum of 2-3 releases per month to help boost SEO results. Understandably, it can be difficult for smaller companies and start-ups to keep this pace. Having a back up strategy in place can help fill news gaps when they occur. Momentum releases (that package multiple smaller news items into one communication) or media alerts (that publicize events/information vs. news) can keep your SEO-friendly PR program afloat despite a slump in media-worthy news.
  9. Measure Your Results.  Web analytics are essential – if you don’t already have a web traffic-monitoring tool, get one. Google’s free web analytics offers a wealth of information on the origin of website visitors and keywords. Use this information to track the progress of your efforts and identify areas for improvement.
  10. Be Patient.  Neither PR nor SEO are about instant gratification. Often it takes months to see results and this is especially true for smaller or new companies. Set realistic expectations from the beginning and give the program a minimum of 6 months to deliver measurable results.
  11. Make Adjustments.  SEO isn’t a one-time event. Search engine algorithms change regularly, so the tactics that worked last year may not work this year.  Keep up with SEO best practices and make adjustments as algorithms change to ensure the best results. SEO requires dedication and a long-term commitment but the pay-off will be worthwhile for those that keep with it over time.

Interview with Charlie O’Rourke, Financial Services Leader, former SVP of First Data and currently Chief Technology Strategist with the Fotec Group: “The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing”

Recent industry surveys reveal that more businesses are using outsourced services as a means of cost-cutting and potentially a strategic business productivity tool.  In these studies, executives said they believe outsourcing can provide many benefits, including access to a valuable talent pool where a company may lack expertise.

We asked Charlie O’Rourke, one of the financial industry’s most respected and successful veterans, to give his insights around the growing outsourcing trend and provide some tips on how a company can be successful leveraging outsourced services while avoiding potential pitfalls.

Attain Marketing: We’ve seen more companies looking to outsourced services as a way of achieving their business objectives.   In your opinion, is this a good trend for businesses and what benefits can they gain by outsourcing?

O’Rourke: Yes, I believe those companies that prepare themselves for outsourcing can benefit immensely as part of an overall business strategy.

First, let me clarify what I mean for our purposes here today.  To me “outsourcing” is a practice used by companies of contracting out some of their business functions to an external provider.  For the purpose of this discussion, I am referring to outsourcing as the utilization of hired resources inside U.S. borders.

While I agree there are benefits that a business can gain from outsourcing, there are also potentially huge downside risks of incorporating outsourcing without proper evaluation of its practice within a company.

Outsourcing is not something a company should embark upon simply for cost savings, recommendations from others, or without a critical eye toward the potential outcomes and whether outsourcing fits within their overall business strategy.

I realize expense reduction is often a very significant factor.  However, other considerations are just as or even more important.  A proper corporate outsourcing readiness evaluation would include, among other things, assessment of the company’s strengths and weaknesses, core competencies, culture, traditions, and vision for the future.  When a company’s strategies are well defined and aligned with a vision toward the future, they will include how to utilize outside resources to augment and complement business objectives.

If there is no strategy and strict oversight, outsourcing may end up costing your business more in the end.  Additionally, it could possibly destroy effectiveness in other areas such as agility, flexibility, customer service quality and competitive advantage.

However, if consistent with its strategic objectives, incorporating outsourcing of appropriate business functions can provide a company with the ability to better focus on its core business and gain competitive advantage at the same time.

Attain Marketing: Should businesses have concerns about outsourcing certain business functions?  In other words, are there “best practices” around outsourcing?

O’Rourke: Someone once told me that if everyone is adopting a “best practice” you can bet that it is no longer the best.  Now that the “best practice” is well understood, it is a perfect opportunity for consultants to provide textbook solutions and cookbook remedies while extracting nice fees for their services.

Mindlessly following “best practices” because they have been used at a Fortune 500 company, are the newest fad, everyone is adopting them or they are the rage for consultants nowadays, may not be in a company’s best interest.  Each strategic and tactical practice needs an evaluation with a critical eye on your company objectives.  Specifically, the practice should fit strategically, operationally, and culturally in your company.

It is unwise to “copy” or “clone” another organization’s recipes in terms of strategy, business theory, management tools or technologies.  Only when you understand your culture, values, purpose, strengths, and direction should you consider which business functions are eligible for outsourcing.

Each company has unique requirements and needs to evaluate which practices are “best” for its business, culture, and customers.

If I were to give general guidelines for outsourcing, I would say companies should retain their core functions in house and then look to outsourcing those business functions that are noncore.  That is the simplest guideline I can give.  Although often difficult and time consuming, proceeding without a diligent assessment will guarantee less than optimum results and possibly failure.

Attain Marketing: What are some of the business functions that are best suited for outsourcing?

O’Rourke: Given some of the caveats above, some logical places (unless of course a core competency) to look may include functions in human resources, administration, accounting, marketing, public relations, communications and legal.

There will be many others depending on the company and each business will have to decide on the criticality and impact of outsourcing in a particular area.

Attain Marketing: Being marketers, of course Attain is interested in your thoughts about outsourced marketing and PR services.  Are there advantages?

O’Rourke: I believe companies like Attain can definitely enhance a company’s marketing, media relations, and communications capability.

Small companies are obviously going to benefit quite a bit by using companies like Attain because they typically do not have sufficient, or in many cases, any expertise, talent and skills to effectively perform many of the required functions in these areas.

In the case of larger companies, the ability to utilize outside marketing expertise often times yields tremendous advantages.

I believe a company can achieve optimum outsourcing success when it embeds the resourced personnel with their internal employees.  They assimilate into the culture and have the same objectives as others in the corporation.  They understand the company values, culture, strategies as well as the industry, the business, and the company’s products and services.  They serve as an expert member of teams, departments, or divisions of the company.

Attain Marketing: Well said Charlie, and many thanks for the unsolicited plug ;-).

I’d like to add, potential advantages gained through an outsourced marketing team include access to an expanded list of analyst and media contacts, specialized public relations and marketing tools – as well as expanded services that may be limited or not be available at all within a company.

In addition, an outsourced team of marketing/PR specialists can provide an expanded scope of services in the categories of lead generation, sales support, social marketing, communications and media relations – possibly at the same cost as one or two internal employees who are providing a more limited scope of services defined by their specific role.

Any last thoughts?

O’Rourke: Companies that are too quick to outsource business functions as solely an expense reduction often suffer negative consequences.  Lower cost is always alluring but results may be much different than expected.  Companies should adopt an outsourcing plan that fits within their overall strategies.  This will yield results that are consistent with their direction and that do not negatively affect the company.

Again, I want to emphasize that company culture is very important.  Culture is often overlooked in the total equation.  The ability of a company to accept outsiders and embed them into the business is crucial.  Outsourcing will fit in some cultures but not in others.

I believe outsourced marketing is an area that makes sense, especially when outsourced personnel become an extension of the client’s in-house marketing, public relations, and public relations teams.

Attain Marketing: Many thanks, Charlie, we appreciate your input.

Today we’re seeing many companies turning to outsourcing as a way to deal with budget restraints while staying competitive in a sluggish economy.   Smart companies know that they can’t stop their marketing activities – especially if they plan on establishing healthy longevity in their business, so they see outsourced services as a great way to leverage talent and stay proactive.