This guest post is written by Paul Rosenfeld, CEO and Co-Founder of Fanminder, a mobile marketing firm helping small businesses, based in Silicon Valley, CA. If there’s one reason software start-ups fail it’s because they don’t acquire customers. And if they don’t acquire customers, at least one root cause will be it’s “product ain’t usable.” […]
Robert Mullins is a freelance technology writer in Silicon Valley. You can find him online at his Robert Mullins blog. In my last post, I ticked off five ways PR people can tick off journalists. Now here are the other five, as collected by the Bad Pitch Blog: 5. You’ll be sorry. This hasn’t happened […] Kauffman-Hall Kauffman-Hall2009-08-26 16:47:022023-07-12 10:35:34Top 10 PR No-nos, Part II
We’ve asked Sara Gates, a respected leader in the information security world who is well known for helping companies move from early to mainstream markets, to be a guest contributor for the Attain Marketing blog. Sara’s expertise in strategy and product management – combined with a “get it done” attitude and practical approach to solving […] Gates Gates2009-08-18 23:28:342017-02-09 16:14:00IT Buyers Search for the Truth and Come Up Empty Handed
Is Poor Usability Killing Your Chances for Success?
This guest post is written by Paul Rosenfeld, CEO and Co-Founder of Fanminder, a mobile marketing firm helping small businesses, based in Silicon Valley, CA. If there’s one reason software start-ups fail it’s because they don’t acquire customers. And if they don’t acquire customers, at least one root cause will be it’s “product ain’t usable.” […]
Top 10 PR No-nos, Part II
Robert Mullins is a freelance technology writer in Silicon Valley. You can find him online at his Robert Mullins blog. In my last post, I ticked off five ways PR people can tick off journalists. Now here are the other five, as collected by the Bad Pitch Blog: 5. You’ll be sorry. This hasn’t happened […]
IT Buyers Search for the Truth and Come Up Empty Handed
We’ve asked Sara Gates, a respected leader in the information security world who is well known for helping companies move from early to mainstream markets, to be a guest contributor for the Attain Marketing blog. Sara’s expertise in strategy and product management – combined with a “get it done” attitude and practical approach to solving […]